Free AI Prompts For Copywriting

How To Get Free AI Prompts For Copywriting 2023-2024

Copywriting as we know it, is just or can be said to be the art or act of crafting engaging and writing persuasive contents to promote services, products, or ideas for .

Copywriting involves using words strategically to capture the attention of the reader, convey a message to the reader, and ultimately persuade the reader to take a desired action, such as making a purchase of a product, signing up for a service, or sharing of information.

Now that there are thousands of AI tools used for copywriting, a lot of people seem to find it difficult to command the AI tool or to give it a prompt for a better result. That is seriously a problem for most people who are just getting familiar with these AI tools.

Knowing the best places to find some free Copywriting AI prompts can be helpful, and that’s why I came up with the “How To Get Free AI Prompts For Copywriting” The tool or platform I’m about to show you has over 500+ actionable and readymade ChatGPT AI prompts ideas to help you grow your copywriting or SaaS business.

Let’s get straight to the platform I have to show you in this tutorial, and how to get started once you land on the home page.

Step By Step and Procedures

The Platform we will be visiting is SaaS Prompts a tool for copywriters, entrepreneurs, and marketers. It also includes a free downloadable PDF version of the prompts for the interested users who will like to have the full prompts in an PDF format and a subscription to receive notifications when any new prompt is listed or the next resource is launched.

This platform has a lot of prompts which are categorized into the following:

  • Product Launch
  • Social Media
  • Fundraising
  • Product Management
  • B2B Sales
  • Customer Support
  • Direct-to-consumer
  • Copywriting
  • Web Development
  • UX Research

On this SaaS prompt AI tool, you can find the above-listed categories and in each category, you will find a lot of free prompts to use in your business or copywriting.

But we are going straight to what we are here for, which is the Free prompts for copywriting, I will now give you the step by step to follow in other to get these free prompts from this platform.

Step 1

Go to SaaS Prompts

AI Prompts

Once you are on the home page, you will have to scroll down to where you will see a heading written as Filter 500+ Prompt Ideas

Step 2

Once you scroll down to the filter section, simply CLICK on the COPYWRITING button

After clicking on that, the filter will now do its work, that’s to get you all the available prompts in the copywriting category immediately. Once the prompts have been displayed for you now is time to move to the third step.

Step 3

After getting the prompts filtered and displayed, scroll down to select the best prompts that will suit your project. You have the copy option and load more button.

If you checked the displayed prompt and you couldn’t find the one you want, you can now go to the next step.

Read Also: List of AI Tools For Copywriting

Step 4

If after scrolling, you still can’t find the best prompt for your project, then click on the LOAD MORE PROMPTS button.

Once you click on that button, more prompts will be displayed you can keep on clicking the load more until you find the best prompt for your project.

In case you are looking for a particular prompt and you can’t find it, just use the available one as a guide. Copy it and just customize it with your keyword and needs.

But if you are looking for an Idea generation template, then go to step 5.

Read Also: 3 Good AI Marketing Tools You Should Know About

Step 5

Scroll up since you are already on the Filter Section for copywriting prompts, you will now see a heading written as Prompt Template Ideas. You will have the prompt template ideas in that section.

Finally, to get a free downloadable PDF version of all the available prompts on the platform, follow the following steps;

On the TOP Menu bar, click on the free downloadable PDF version

A new pop-up will appear, read carefully and understand. Follow the instructions that appear on the prompt, and you are done.

See the pop-up below:


We have successfully gotten our free prompts for copywriting from a free AI platform called SaaS Prompts. The platform is free to use, and it is user-friendly, anyone can interact with the platform by following the steps followed in this “How To Get Free AI Prompts For Copywriting”.

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